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Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Asian: Colourful Coriander Chicken Stir-Fry

Yes, I do eat carrots, this meal proves it.

My boys often ask me, why we buy carrots but hardly ever eat them cooked in our food.

The answer is simple “my mom Loves carrots and tried her level best to make sure that we experienced them at every cooking opportunity possible!”
Needless to say I am cooked-carroted out! 
I do appreciate them in stir-fries, salads and baking.

Coriander Chicken Stir-Fry

4          Chicken breasts, sliced into strips
2 t        Garlic
1 t        Ginger & Garlic
2 t        Soy Sauce
½ t      Salt
½ C    Coriander, fresh & shredded
1          Red Chilli (fresh or dried) - Optional
1 t        Oil
  • Place all the above ingredients in a bowl, mix together, cover and set aside for later. 

2 x        2 Minute Noodle Packets * This is my Trick *
  • Make 2 minute noodles as per directions on packet, drain, cover and set aside for later. 

Stir-Fry Vegetables – This could be any veggies that you have, cut into thin strips.

2          Carrots
½        Red Pepper
4          Baby Marrows
1 C       Broccoli
2          Spring Onions
6          Mushrooms
2 t        Soy Sauce
1 t        Garlic

  1. Marinade chicken.
  2. Chop veggies.
  3. Make 2 minute noodles.
Wok on:
  1. Heat up your wok or pan to high heat and add a little oil.
  2. Fry your chicken in 2 batches for 2-3 minutes or until cooked and remove from wok.
  3. Drizzle wok with oil, add all veggies, garlic, soy sauce and stir for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Now add the cooked chicken breasts and noodles to the wok and stir through gently for 2-3 minutes.

Tip: You can adjust the flavour of your Stir-Fry by adding extra garlic, ginger, chilli or soy sauce.

Serve your hot and steamy Stir-Fry, immediately!

Lotsa Love C